Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Clash Of The Titans

Clash Of The Titans, originally uploaded by drp.

Clash Of The Titans
Even though they test one another's limitations, they share a mutual respect and admiration. They honor the "Alpha" in each other. To see them interact is to witness two storm fronts swirl and permeate, repel and roar. They are the God and Goddess of this place. Both halves exist as the whole. It is right that they should have the water between them. It reflects the nature of one in the other.


Ms. Entropy said...

This is one of my all-time favorite pictures. EVER.

So vaar vaar hard-core, in the most beautiful of ways. Duane's words are so perfect. :):)

MrsPissed said...

this is fabulous. you swan goddess, you.